Descargar Ebook The Talisman de Stephen King,Peter Straub PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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Reseña del editor A chilling tale from two of the greatest storytellers of our time...Twelve-year-old Jack spends his days alone in a deserted coastal town, his father gone, his mother dying. Then he meets a stranger - and embarks on a terrifying journey. For Jack must find the Talisman, the only thing that can save his mother. His quest takes him into the menacing Territories, a parallel world where violence, surprise and the titanic struggle between good and evil reach across a mythic landscape. Biografía del autor Stephen King is the author of more than 40 novels and 200 short stories. In 2003 he received the National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters. He lives with his wife, the novelist Tabitha King, in Bangor, Maine.Peter Straub is the New York Times bestselling author of more than a dozen novels, most recently of A DARK MATTER. LOST BOY LOST GIRL and IN THE NIGHT ROOM are winners of the Bram Stoker Award. He lives in New York City.

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