Descargar The House on the Borderland and Other Mysterious Places: The Collected Fiction of William Hope Hodgson, Volume 2 de William Hope Hodgson Ebooks, PDF, ePub

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Reseña del editor Available for the first time in trade paperback, the second of five volumes collecting the complete fiction of William Hope Hodgson, an influential early twentieth-century author of science fiction, horror, and the fantastic. William Hope Hodgson was, like his contemporaries Algernon Blackwood and Arthur Machen, one of the most important, prolific, and influential fantasists of the early twentieth century. His dark and unsettling short stories and novels were shaped in large part by personal experience and his work evokes a disturbing sense of the amorphous and horrific unknown. While his adventure fiction was very popular during his lifetime, the supernatural and cosmic horror he is most remembered for only became well known after his death, mainly due to the efforts of writers like H. P. Lovecraft and Clark Ashton Smith, who often praised his work and cited it as an influence on their own. By the latter half of the twentieth century, it was only his weird fiction that remained in print, and his vast catalog of non-supernatural stories was extremely hard to find. Night Shade Books's five-volume series presents all of Hodgson's unique and timeless fiction. Each volume contains one of Hodgson's novels, along with a selection of thematically-linked short fiction, including a number of works reprinted for the first time since their original publication. The second of the five-volume set, The House on the Borderland and Other Mysterious Places, collects Hodgson's mystery and suspense fiction, including those starring the occult detective Thomas Carnacki, and the titular novel The House on the Borderland, a seminal and influential work of early weird fiction. The Complete Fiction of William Hope Hodgson is published by Night Shade Books in the following volumes: The Boats of the 'Glen Carrig' and Other Nautical Adventures The House on the Borderland and Other Mysterious Places The Ghost Pirates and Other Revenants of the Sea The Night Land and Other Romances The Dream of X and Other Fantastic Visions Biografía del autor William Hope Hodgson was an early twentieth-century English author who produced a large and critically acclaimed body of short fiction and novels spanning several overlapping genres, including horror, fantastic fiction, and science fiction. Hodgson was killed in action in WWI in 1918, at the age of forty.

La casa en el limite william hope hodgsonpdf william publicada originalmente en 1908 la casa en el límite es la obra maestra del escritor británico william hope hodgson y uno de los libros mas importantes e influyentes del género de horror sobrenatural de todos los tiempos el mismísimo h p lovecraft escribió sobre el libro de hodgson en su célebre ensayo supernatural horror in literature y debió reconocer en el autor de esta

The collected fiction of william hope hodgson volume 4 the collected fiction of william hope hodgson volume 4 the night land amp other romances the collected fiction of william hope hodgson volume 4 night land and other romances v 4 hodgson william hope libros en idiomas extranjeros

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The collected fiction of william hope hodgson the dream lee the collected fiction of william hope hodgson the dream of x amp other fantastic visions por william hope hodgeson disponible en rakuten kobo the fifth of a five volume set collecting all of hodgsons published fiction each volume contains one of hodgsons nove

The boats of the glen carrig and other nautical if anyone has heard of william hope hodgson these days its either because they have some knowledge of weird fiction and its antecedents lovecraft was a big booster of his work or theyve read some of the adaptations of his better known stories the most famous the house on the borderland was made into a graphic novel several years back and was fairly famous before that its also

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The collected fiction of william hope hodgson boats of lee the collected fiction of william hope hodgson boats of glen carrig amp other nautical adventures por william hope hodgeson disponible en rakuten kobo the first of a five volume set collecting all of hodgsons published fiction each volume contains one of hodgsons nove